Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First Post

New idea, new blog. I read a lot and I think things about what I read and my girls aren't very interested in any of it, so I need an outlet. Here it is.

I've got a post about Catching Fire in the works. Be back tomorrow.


  1. Great idea...even though it makes me feel like I am a reading slacker...looking forward to your wildly intellectual musings. :)

  2. I have decided to post a oomment also. Anonymously (it's Roger). So, only one Agatha Christie? Is the nightstand really where you keep the books? Are you going to explain how the horses are only half broke? Or how the bird caught fire? I expect some concrete answers to these questions. Two blogs, better be double good. That's right double good (we're in Chinatown).

  3. Thank you for your comments!! I fear that all of this will come off sounding like a pseudo-intellectual 9th grade English class book report. I'm pretentious enough as it is without droning on about literature. But I like the idea of keeping track of what I'm reading and what I want to read next. As for the Agatha Christies - I actually did just buy Towards Zero so I have it ready to go when I get finished with Evil Under the Sun. I'll add it to the On Deck list! :) And no, I don't keep my books on the nightstand really because that would require a ridiculously large nightstand and I don't read in bed - I always fall asleep! But Notes from the Bookshelf lacked poetry. You're a conservative, Anonymous, so I don't expect you to know about poetry! :)
