Tuesday, January 12, 2010

True Compass by Ted Kennedy

I'm cutting you off at the pass. I don't want to hear your snide comments about the fact that I'm reading Ted Kennedy's memoir. Keep it to yourselves. My aunt Sandy gave me this book for Christmas and I'm excited to read it. He was the Lion of the Senate for God's sake and well respected by people on both sides of the aisle for the hard work he did over a lifetime in public service. I know he was far from perfect - one of the chapters of the book is entitled "Harvard Screw-Up" so I think he knew it too - but his story is most certainly an interesting one.

So there. And by the way, it takes me forever to get through non-fiction these days because I'm easily distractable, so bear with me. I'll probably try to throw in some interesting tidbits and random commentary about Uncle Teddy as I go along, just so you know I'm still alive. And still reading.

Interesting Tidbit #1: Ted tells the story of how the family spent a weekend at Hyannis Port shortly after JFK was elected President. Jack was already exhausted from the job, so he slept in on Sunday morning. As he heard his parents come in from Mass, he jumped out of bed, threw on some pants, and snuck out of the house through the neighbors yard to avoid getting griped out by his mom and dad for missing Mass. The President of the United States!!

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