I suppose it's because of the recent Tim Burton movie version, but I decided to check out Alice in Wonderland from the library and finally actually read the original version. I've seen plenty of adaptations and it's never seemed to make any sense to me whatsoever, so I wondered if reading the actual book would clear it all up and make me realize how absolutely brilliant it is. Not a chance. I read it. I still don't have any freaking idea what it's about. Maybe you have to take some undergrad college lit course to fully understand its genius. Maybe I'm just dumb and lacking the ability to interpret the subtle nuances of classic literature. Maybe it's just a book that only a Victorian English child with a touch of schizophrenia and not much else going on in terms of entertainment would love.
I heard that L.C. wrote it for a "student" of his. He was apparently tutoring her and when they were done with lessons she would ask him to tell her and another student a story. He made this up and started it from the beginning. I guess he got the idea to write it all down and that's that. What I don't understand is the whole dark side.